1. Bungalov 317Bungalov, ah?ap evler, kütük evler ve tiny house modelleri, son y?llarda do?a ile iç içe ya?ama iste?iyle daha fazla tercih edilmeye ba?land?. Bu evler, do?al malzemeler kullan?larak yap?lan, minimalist ve sade tasar?mlara sahip yap?lard?r. Tiny house, küçük ya?am alanlar?nda verimli kullan?m sa?larken, ah?ap evler hem estetik… Read More

Creative one-story house plans often feature tall ceilings. This makes your space feel open and airy. A shed roof or transom windows make any single-floor tiny house feel huge.In addition to floor plans, there are also some tiny living hacks that gönül open up more room to live — things like combining your couch and bed or opting for storage fu… Read More